The body & mind as a whole is a delicately balanced living miracle.

Welcome, I’m Sarah!





My first experiences of acupuncture and traditional Chinese approaches to health were near miraculous.


Sewing the seeds for my career to come…

I was in my late teens at university, and after several years of being unwell and a severe bout of food poisoning I was eventually diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome – at times I was unable to even climb a flight of stairs. My doctors made it clear that there was nothing that conventional medicine could offer.

Acupuncture, tai chi, good diet and attending to emotional health were the keys to my recovery and the seeds for my future career.


My professional career


I initially gained a degree in Human Psychology & went on to work in the field of learning disabilities, both as a researcher within the NHS & as a psychologist.

I loved my psychology work & the training, development and support I provided for carers & service users, though I felt increasingly frustrated with the system.

Several barren corporate career years later I found myself mum to a premature baby & relocating to Yorkshire.

After six years of further study I qualified in acupuncture (Traditional Chinese Medicine), acupressure massage, oriental bodywork & Chinese Herbal Remedies at the Northern College of Acupuncture becoming a Course Manager & tutor at the college.

I completed the Advanced Diploma in Fertility Support in 2018 focussing on the integrated investigation and treatment of complex conditions in fertility and pregnancy, including PCOS, endometriosis, immunological issues & recurrent miscarriage

I’m a member of AFN, a group of established & registered acupuncturists providing treatments for fertility & pregnancy, pre-birth & post-natal care. I am also a member of the British Fertility Society.

I continue to invest in, and deepen my knowledge through ongoing study, training and self-development.
— Sarah Byfield



Professional Qualifications

  • BSc(Hons) Human Psychology 1993

    Certificate in Acupressure Massage 2000

    PGDipAc Acupuncture - a four year Masters degree course at Northern College of Acupuncture 2003

    Certificate in Pre-Prepared Chinese Herbal Formulae 2006

    Advanced Diploma in Oriental Bodywork 2011 year long practical course

    Advanced Diploma in Fertility Support Acupuncture 2018 including modules on:

    • Reproductive immunology and recurrent miscarriage

    • PCOS and Endometriosis

    • Assisted Reproductive Techniques

    • Complex diseases of Pregnancy

    Certificate in Shamanic Practice and Personal Freedom 2019

    Spirit Dance Facilitator 2021

    Cacao Medicine Carrier & Ceremony Holder 2022

    Gather the Women Circle holder 2022

    Freedom Fertility Formula Specialist training 2023

    Classical Acupuncture Mentorship 2025

  • Gynaecology with Giovanni Maciocia

    Fertility and IVF with Jane Lyttleton, Charlie Buck, Brandon Horn and Wendy Yu

    Optimising Ovarian Reserve with Brandon Horn

    Obstetrics with Sarah Budd and Jani White

    Microbiome Testing with Invivo

    Medical Phlebotomy (this means I can take your blood for any blood tests you may need)

    Mycology: Mushroom nutrition

  • Ongoing professional development with the Fertility Support Company

    Classical Acupuncture Mentorship with Sean Tuten and ongoing training with Ann Cecil-Sterman

  • I am a member of the following professional bodies:

    The Association of Acupuncture Clinicians (AAC)

    The Association of Acupuncture Clinicians is one of the key organisations under the umbrella of the British Acupuncture Federation (BAF)

    We support public choice and the ability to access the use of acupuncture by highly trained practitioners working in both the public and independent sectors.

    The Fertility Support Company Advanced Practitioner Group

    Fertility Support Trained acupuncturists have completed the Advanced Level Diploma in Fertility Acupuncture and committed themselves to excellence in treating fertility, including continually improving their skills every year. They are trusted experts in supporting all aspects of fertility including recurrent miscarriage, low sperm count, IVF, IUI, ICSI, pregnancies.

    The British Fertility Society (BFS)

    BFS has a multidisciplinary membership dedicated to promoting expert medical practice based on scientific evidence

    Member of the Acupuncture Fertility Network

  • My personality

    Personality type: INFJ - The intuitive, harmony seeking advocate and helper

  • Sleeping habits

    I can’t sleep with the doors open, wardrobes included.

  • Magical places

    My favourite places are - my treatment room, the woods, spending time with my therapy pony, Magic and Costa Rica

  • Random fact

    I need to curb my book habit or I’m going to need to live for a very long time to read them all

  • I love to dance

    I can be found dancing like nobody is watching on a daily basis.

Chat with me

I’m blessed to have a thriving practice which keeps me busy but do feel free to reach out to contact me here to request a free 15 mins chat to see how I can help you.