Natural Pregnancy
Face to face acupuncture treatments & advice are designed to tackle the underlying causes of your pregnancy symptoms to support a healthy, comfortable pregnancy & delivery.
Care for your emotional journey is paramount to my treatment approach. Treatment will include acupuncture & other modalities may be added as appropriate & agreed with you, such as coaching, bodywork/massage, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, breathing & visualisation practices or shamanic healing methods.
Most of my fertility clients choose to move to monthly supportive acupuncture treatments with me once they are 12 weeks pregnant. Acupuncture treatments work alongside & complement your midwife & consultant care so you get the best of both approaches.
Safe & drug free option to:
— Relieve morning sickness
— Boost energy and help tiredness, fatigue and exhaustion
— Ease digestive problems like constipation and heartburn
— Lift and stabilise mood
— Relieve pain and discomforts, including pubic symphysis pain
— Prevent and treat anaemia
— Minimise insomnia
— Ease anxiety and depression
— Improve sinusitis
— Benefit pregnancy-induced hypertension
— Reduce oedema and swelling
Breech & posterior positioned babies
Chinese Medicine offers a simple non invasive treatment for breach presentation. A one-off treatment using moxibustion is given, ideally around 34 weeks. Specific acupuncture points are stimulated using heat. You are then taught how to repeat the treatment at home and provided with all you need to continue your treatment.
Prepare the body
From 36 weeks acupuncture is performed once a week to prepare and encourage a smooth and spontaneous labour. Points are used to encourage the baby to engage, assume the correct position, ripen the cervix, relax and energise the mother for birth. Research & clinical experience has shown that pre birth acupuncture helps reduce:
— The number of inductions and epidurals given
— The number of emergency caesareans performed
— The length of the first stage of labour
— The time between expected due date & actual delivery by supporting cervical ripening
What my clients say
Thank you for all of your help support and advice over the last year. Not only have you helped us to achieve something we were starting to doubt would ever happen, but you've gone above and beyond your role and really made a difference to the quality of our lives over the last year. From reducing the level of anxiety, ensuring I had a relatively pain-free and more importantly healthy pregnancy, and massively reducing the whingeing that my partner would've endured, to helping me have a positive attitude towards the birth as opposed to being petrified. So far (baby boy) is a happy laid-back and healthy baby and I think this is down to the work you you did throughout my pregnancy, for which I will always be really grateful”.
I can't begin to express to you how much I appreciated your support that evening when things started moving. It came as quite a shock when my waters broke - I just wasn't expecting it and quite apart from all your practical assistance in getting the ”delivery room” prepared, you had a really calming and encouraging presence at what was probably the scariest time. Thank you so much for staying with us. Maybe you should consider taking a midwife with you to your next induction! The delivery went really well and the whole home-birth experience was fabulous”
Thank you so much for your support over the last 18 months. What a journey it has been. Thank-you for helping my healing and for aiding the safe arrival of (our baby boy). I’m so glad I made that phonecall.
Book a Discovery Call
If we decide to work together we will book you in for an Initial Consultation & Treatment.
What to expect in a Consultation
Discovery Call
Reach out and get in touch with me HERE. Let’s have a free 15 minutes discovery call and see if we connect.
In the initial consultation I will want to get a thorough understanding of how I can help, and collect all the information necessary to make a Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment plan for you. We will discuss your health history, your family history, lifestyle and other pertinent factors.
Once I have gathered all the necessary information I will devise a treatment plan and discuss this with you.
You may then have a low dose, first acupuncture treatment. I will talk you through it all and answer your questions so you feel at ease.
I practice an integrated, bespoke style of treatment with Acupuncture at its centre and other modalities such as massage, joint mobilisation, moxibustion, cupping, coaching, diet and lifestyle modification and shamanic healing added according to your needs.
My aim is to help ease your symptoms with treatment, to guide you to support yourself with lifestyle and dietary changes focussed to help you get a resolution to your challenges more quickly - to help you get well and stay well.