Women’s Health
In Traditional Chinese Medicine the menstrual cycle is considered to be a vital sign, and a barometer of good health.
Do you know what a healthy menstrual cycle is?
Are you aware of your own patterns and menstrual rhythm and how your cycle affects your thoughts, emotions and energy?
Does menopause need to be a time of periods going haywire and dry, hot, sleepless, tired anxiousness?
Common issues:
— Amenorrhoea (no periods)
— Dysmenorrhoea (Painful Periods)
— Metrorrhagia (Irregular bleeding or bleeding in between periods)
— Menorrhagia (Heavy bleeds)
— Light Bleeds
— Oligomenorrhea (Infrequent bleeds)
— Ovulation problems such and PCOS and LUFS
— Endometriosis
— Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMT, PMS)
— PMDD (Pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder)
— Perimenopause and menopause
— Practical, emotional and hormonal transitioning to motherhood and elderhood
The root cause
Many of the above conditions are accepted by women to be normal. However in Chinese medicine the menstrual cycle should be pain free and uneventful. By using the Chinese diagnostic system it is possible to find and treat the root cause of these disorders and return the menstrual cycle to a normal and regular flow. This is especially important for patients wishing to conceive, but can also improve the quality of life for many women.
What my Clients Say
I’ve been working with Sarah regularly for over 10 years now to treat my range of complex health conditions, both psychological and physical. Sarah is incredibly intuitive and can often sense how I’m feeling before I even begin speaking. She is really patient and her depth of knowledge in Chinese medicine along with her background in psychology allows her to individualise her treatments in a holistic way to encompass the mind, body, and soul. She induces a feeling of calmness, warmth, stability, and understanding through her work; no mean feat considering my lifelong needle phobia. Sarah provides a safe relationship where I feel comfortable discussing and working through even my most traumatic experiences, yet she will also present me with challenges to help me grow where necessary. I’ve had some of my most profound healing experiences while working with Sarah, particularly with the combination of acupuncture and shamanic journeying. She has gone above and beyond to support me over the years and I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending her treatments to anyone in need of help.
Your work enables me to live my life with less pain, enabling me to have some control over my endometriosis & fibromyalgia - I was not alone with my infertility issues.
Seeing you helped me get my life back and find my determination, confidence, self belief and dedication to help support people that are, and will go through the dilemmas that I have been through and to be a bloody amazing counsellor. Being in your calm, loving company has helped me to believe I have a calling in my life, and gave me the strength to follow my dream, THANK YOU
The wonders of acupuncture has helped to control my symptoms of the menopause for example, the heat, the anxiety and other health issues that you maybe wouldn’t have put down to this. I feel very happy (and so does my husband, who not only recommended I have the treatment but no longer has to suffer from the hormonal crankiness) that I have been able to avoid having to take HRT by having regular acupuncture treatment. I am currently also benefitting from other alternative therapies which Sarah offers and I feel excited knowing from experience that this alternative approach and Sarah’s vast knowledge will help me to take care and control of my own body.
I would without a doubt strongly recommend Sarah for her complementary therapies.
For the past five years I have had the privilege of the benefits from the expertise, care and support of Sarah’s therapy. Initially I sought help through acupuncture for my menopause symptoms, however, with Sarah’s expertise and knowledge I find that the health and wellbeing support she provides goes way beyond this. The appointments with Sarah always start with an individual consultation and therefore the therapies offered are truly tailored to my individual circumstances. I always leave the appointment feeling either better/different/more positive (or a combination of these) and also cared for by someone who really knows her craft. Just the fact of being able to talk to Sarah is a positive therapy session in itself!
Book a Discovery Call
If we decide to work together we will book you in for an Initial Consultation & Treatment.
What to expect in a Consultation
Reach out and get in touch with me HERE. Let’s have a free 15 minutes discovery call and see if we connect.
In the initial consultation I will want to get a thorough understanding of how I can help, and collect all the information necessary to make a Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment plan for you. We will discuss your health history, your family history, lifestyle and other pertinent factors.
Once I have gathered all the necessary information I will devise a treatment plan and discuss this with you.
You may then have a low dose, first acupuncture treatment. I will talk you through it all and answer your questions so you feel at ease.
I practice an integrated, bespoke style of treatment with Acupuncture at its centre and other modalities such as massage, joint mobilisation, moxibustion, cupping, coaching, diet and lifestyle modification and shamanic healing added according to your needs.
My aim is to help ease your symptoms with treatment, to guide you to support yourself with lifestyle and dietary changes focussed to help you get a resolution to your challenges more quickly - to help you get well and stay well.